Dec 27, 2022
It’s time to join the New Year, No Diet Challenge!
Happy almost New Year! With a new year coming up quickly, it’s time for New Year’s resolutions, and that term either has you feeling exhilarated or stressed. So in this episode, we’re talking a lot about resolutions and how we can actually make them work.
Did you know that only 4% of New Year’s resolutions are actually achieved? With so many people giving up on their resolutions, the second Friday in January is actually called Quitter’s Day! That’s not very encouraging…
Now, don’t feel bad if you want to set a goal because you totally can. It’s okay to focus on being your healthiest and happiest self in 2023, but it’s important to make sure we don’t invite Diet Culture in. And that can be a struggle because this time of year, Diet Culture has its claws out in full force!
So today, we’re honing in on five different things you can focus on in the new year. Not resolutions. Just things you can focus on. And to help get the ball rolling, there’s a new challenge ready for you to start on January 2nd. It’s called the New Year, No Diet Challenge and it is absolutely free and includes exclusive access to a 1-hour training session, the New Year, No Diet workbook, and 10 days of support. It’s designed to help you ditch diets without freefalling into binges.
Let’s make 2023 the year you finally feel in control around food and leave Quitter’s Day for the quitters!
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