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The No Food Rules Podcast

Feb 28, 2023

Social media often presents intuitive eating as simply giving yourself permission to indulge in foods like cookies and donuts, which can be misleading.



While it's true that intuitive eating involves giving yourself permission to enjoy all foods without guilt or shame, it's not just about mindlessly consuming junk...

Feb 21, 2023

Weight Watchers, meal replacement shakes, the 100 Calorie Packs, and those celebrity fitness gurus leading us through DVD workout after workout. 



Ah, the 2000s. Good times! Good times!



We'd fuel up on 200 calories or fewer and then expect to go out and live our lives to the fullest while walking around with...

Feb 14, 2023

We all know that we can't control the people around us, just like we can't control the thoughts that enter our minds. But we can choose how we navigate, interact with, and manage our thoughts.



When we're feeling negative, stressed, or just not present, it might be a sign that we need to make changes in...

Feb 7, 2023

When we feel like we've tried everything, but the pounds just won't budge, we often begin a desperate search for that ONE thing to help us overcome our struggles.



As 2023 dawned, suddenly everywhere you looked, you saw jaw-dropping, post-holiday body-remaking results in the pictures and videos of the stars and the...