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The No Food Rules Podcast

Apr 13, 2021

What is it like to eat intuitively when you're not only plus sized but also pregnant? Join me in this episode of The SociEATy Podcast as I interview food freedom guru and fellow member of The SociEATy Lisa Wagman as she discusses exactly that and more!

As is nearly always the case, major changes in Lisa's life such as losing her father and experiencing her first major heartbreak led to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as comparisonitis and an obsession with food. Her weight fluctuated, and she became obsessed with losing weight which led to her realizing that she needed a change in her life, so she learned more about intuitive eating and discovered The SociEATy, finding food freedom so efficiently that, like I said, I think of her as the food freedom guru!

As the food freedom guru, Lisa is here to not only share her story but to also offer you some advice if you find parallels between your story and her story. She reminds us, for example, that it's totally normal and totally okay if the thought of weight gain is terrifying to you at first. Remember that while this may be a rewarding journey to be on, it is not an easy one to be on, and instead of trying to shut that fear down, investigate it; find out why it's there and where it's stemming from. She also suggests, as she herself did, finding a doctor who won't hold your plus size body against you especially while you're pregnant.

Lisa also answers some questions from listeners, such as whether or not it's possible to eat intuitively while still wanting to lose weight and, of course, how to eat intuitively while pregnant. Be sure to screenshot this episode and tag me, and please do reach out to me to share your stories, tips, and ideas!


Time Stamps

[1:35] – Colleen introduces this episode's guest, Lisa, and also introduces the topic of this episode – intuitive eating when you're plus sized and pregnant.

[4:10] – Lisa shares her story about her history with food and how she turned toward intuitive eating and how her weight fluctuated because of changes in her life.

[9:20] – Colleen enthuses over how relatable Lisa's story is, especially Lisa having used food as a coping mechanism to deal with change in her life.

[12:35] – Lisa offers advice to people in the initial phase of intuitive eating, advising that it's okay if the thought of gaining weight is terrifying at first.

[18:00] – We learn what the pressure to lose weight in a plus size body has been like for Lisa, explaining that it doesn't go away but that you build a suit of armor to protect yourself from it.

[21:56] – Colleen advises that we diversify our social media feeds.

[23:45] – Lisa asserts that it is not possible to eat intuitively while still wanting to lose weight but that there is nothing wrong with having health goals and strength goals without giving in to food rules.

[30:04] – Lisa explains how to effectively eat intuitively while pregnant.

[36:30] – Lisa discusses what her experience has been like with her doctor and how being pregnant has affected her body image.

[43:29] – We learn that Lisa still fears the pressure of losing weight coming back postpartum but that she has ways of conquering that fear.

[47:08] – Colleen and Lisa reiterate some of the biggest takeaways from this episode and stress the importance of reading material about intuitive eating.


Links and Resources

Colleen Christensen Nutrition – Website

The SociEATy – Website

Colleen's Instagram Page

The SociEATy's Instagram Page

Renee Engeln – Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women

Caroline Dooner - The F*ck It Diet: Eating Should Be Easy